
Like a perfectionist looking for an imperfection.

I always do or talk about something that I never try. Usually with the purpose of showing everyone the funny side of me.

Let's say when me and my friends spend our night at the mamak talking rapidly about our days and all. Me, I don't smoke. Never in my life. (Don't get fool by the color of my lips. There were born that way.) So when I asks for a cigar and one of them coolly passed it to me, others (who realized) will start laughing.

And I laugh too.

Lame. I know. But I thought we were supposed to laugh at others mistake.


Jef Hadi said...

gua paling selalu layan orang yang syak dengan bibir gua yang seksi ni. kaler black. muehehe.

Judiene said...

Oh no no no!
You know what, I used to laugh at others when they make mistake, like if someone fell or doing something stupid and people who watching it will laugh at them
That the person I was.
But now, I'd try to think, what will happen to me if i was in their situation.
And I try not to laugh if, even though sometime I did laugh.
That was unintended.

hafiz zainuddin said...

hey. riak is syirik kecil you have to careful eh. haha

i'msosupernotcool said...

sastraboy: i think dat wat got their attention at first place.
but hey "dont judge cute people by their lips."


Judiene: deeds are judge by intention.
no biggies.
its between u and the poor dude then.

hafiz terompahkayu: haha. ok. humbling myself down now.

damn its hard!!

Anonymous said...

Ini adalah pertama kalinya saya saya kunjungi di sini. Saya menemukan banyak hal menarik di blog Anda terutama pembahasannya. Dari ton komentar pada artikel Anda, saya kira saya bukan satu-satunya memiliki semua kenikmatan di sini! terus bekerja dengan baik.

Anonymous said...

Ini benar-benar menarik. Aku suka membacanya