Football is another way of how guys achieved their orgasm. With no bj's and no penetrations required.
Just leave your sleeping girlfriend at home. You put on your color, go find a non-HBO-football-craze mamak, ordered yourself a cup of teh tarik, and leaned back.
And then, your first goal's arrived. With the second one's just shortly after.
Oh fuck. I'm cumming.
2nd still there to fight for.
wish Arsene Wenger all the best for next fixture too.
at least, they should they are winning team after all.
great to see such a tight game.
i jizzed in my pants last night.
football > sex
oo man, i think i missed out something.
I wonder if you really mean the last sentence.
i'msosupernotcool said...
entri ni pon bodoh jugak.
ok la tuh.
zahrul (ea) : go oreint...hahah
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