
Breaking down.

It was during this team building shit when we have to join into this counselling session where we have to share with others on what we have been through in all our years. We need to draw things and then relate it to our story.

I'm actually done with my part when this trainer suddenly came out with this question;

"When was the last time you cry?"

I stood there in silence. Truth is I really can't remember the last time I cry but I was pretty much sure that it was quite a number of years ago. And as I struggle to recall it, another question hit me.

"When was the last time, those who loves me cry?"

No, he didn't ask that and I thanks god for his not.


h.a.n said...

suddenly i miss you , serious lama tak baca blog ni :(

Qiez AR said...

I dread this question "when was the last time you made someone who loves you cry" far more than any question ever.

Still, breaking down to the thoughts of our stubborn attitude ailment is such a rare occurrence, kan?

i'msosupernotcool said...

@lara: yeah. and I was like. 'no i'm not goin to cry.'

AJ said...

you should just ask him/her back.

"so, when were it for you?"

and ready to answer with a plain smile if he/she ask you again after answering yours.

that will only be an alternate, if you fail to enter 'silent' mode; which is far more easier to act, hard to break.

is it only me believing that?
