He come from a poor family. His father works as a Pekerja Am Rendah and his mother is a fulltime housewife. He spend his teenagers life in a boarding school since he was included into the PPRT school's program.
Being the eldest of five, Adam sometimes had to use his scholarship money to finance his brother and sister studies when his parent can't.
He remember searching for a coins behind his locker just to get himself a pack of Maggi. He also remember tighting his belt to avoid lunch.
Adam parent never intervent in anything related to his life. And realizing the difficulties that his family faced day by day, Adam decided to work after his SPM. He then found a works as a mechanic at a workshop.
Five years working there, Adam then promoted to more higher position.
It didn't take long before Adam decided to start another workshop. His own workshop. And his workshop now is the main sponsor of 1Malaysia F1 car.
Don't compare the already seen Bob-easy-life and Adam-hard-life. Compare the missing experiences that both guys loose. The one which they'll be very proud to tell their grandchild about it in the future.
Being the eldest of five, Adam sometimes had to use his scholarship money to finance his brother and sister studies when his parent can't.
He remember searching for a coins behind his locker just to get himself a pack of Maggi. He also remember tighting his belt to avoid lunch.
Adam parent never intervent in anything related to his life. And realizing the difficulties that his family faced day by day, Adam decided to work after his SPM. He then found a works as a mechanic at a workshop.
Five years working there, Adam then promoted to more higher position.
It didn't take long before Adam decided to start another workshop. His own workshop. And his workshop now is the main sponsor of 1Malaysia F1 car.
Don't compare the already seen Bob-easy-life and Adam-hard-life. Compare the missing experiences that both guys loose. The one which they'll be very proud to tell their grandchild about it in the future.
wah... good for adam =)
that's the keyword..
xleh diajar oleh sesiapa.
xleh dikutip dari mana-mana.
xleh dipelajari setiap masa.
of course bob has his father to thank because the foundation of his life was pretty solid, unlike adam. i think adam has plenty to talk about when he grows up old.
bende, kalau dapat ngn care senang, barulah rase kepuasan..samelah konsep cam usha org...lagi payah nak dapat, lagi hargai..
yeah yeah...
i wanna meet Adam? see what he can do with my not-so-called car. hehehe..
credit for adam...
start from the ground the succes in his oun usaha...
i think PPRT stand 4 projek perumahan rakyat termiskin
RMT=Rancangan Makanan Tambahan...RMT provided for poor pupils in primary school...i got dring my primary...i think RMT not PPRT!!!
adam's life very related with my life such
when i spent my scolarship to survive in studying at school.
kesusahan mgajar byk bnda,apakah itu erti sbuah khdpn...pglmn hdup...ksderhanaan etc
dh ada ijazah...God Willing,master after this...
nice entry,should be more critical analysis...hehe
p/s:jgn jdkn kemiskinan 2 sbg penghalang utk bjaya!!!
tak reti nak susun ayat tiba2.
Everthing should start frOm hard wOrk. It'll becOme mOre preciOus mOment in Our life.
yg korek locker cari syiling untuk beli megi tu aku pernah buat la.. haha.. masa zaman2 student dulu.. huhu..
kalo bob tu bankrap sure x tau nak buat pape dah.
sian anak bini die.
experience hidup susah tu penting.
dah dia sentiasa sabar walau susah
akhirnya dah berjaya n senang lenang
buka buku cerita pasal experience ko plak dude!
gud for adam.
he can tell anak2 die bile da besar, jangan nak duk suke2 je abiskan duit.
ok i get ur point. :)
hmm..nice one..
so, how about yours??hehe
will be proud to be like Adam..
i think Adam is very lucky
he's strong enough to decide what he wanna do in his life
and his the one who lead his future
unlike bob who his father already provided everything
i prefer to hear Adam's story rather than Bob's
ahuh..i got you..and i've heard a story like this before..
and experience is more important that money cant buy..
then i know what happen to adam then...he learnt a lot..
ahuh..i got you..and i've heard a story like this before..
and experience is more important that money cant buy..
then i know what happen to adam then...he learnt a lot..
uh! great exmple dude
yeah.experience xboleh dibeli.ianya dikutip oleh kita semasa kita mengharungi hidup kita kan.
lucky 4 bob 4 his fortune,but more cheers to adam coz he gain experience which is yg lebih penting dr apepon kan
xperience is the best teacher
syukur, hidup aku tak susah. alhamdulillah.
good inspiring en3 from u..keep it up bro..
ermm ok saya faham..memang susah jadi anak sulung..kena korbankan diri sendiri for family kadang2..
p/s: spotted= "searching for a coin" or "a coins" anyway mr cool?i hope u cool enough to answer it..hehe..peace~
Which suggest life really is not fair,huh?
Keep it up, dude!
wow.. what a great life he get now.. but who try n never give up will success ;)
adam macam watak ayah aku..sampai sekarang ayah aku masih bercerita betapa susahnya dia dulu nak bersekolah..sebab dia anakyatim piatu..tp aku tak pernah bosan dengar cerita dia..dan kadang buat aku nangis..=(.
There are no mistakes, no coincidences. All events are blessings given to us to learn from..
I am most thankful to Allah Almighty Providence; who lends me life, lend me a heart replete with thankfulness..
Believe in yourself, what happened if the parent of Bob suddenly passed-away? Like mother Russia. Be proud of our own decision, that's what democracy all about.
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